ID Corporation
Privacy Policy (personal information protection policy)
ID Corporation (the "Company") has established the following policy for the protection of personal information. Our people have an enhanced awareness of the importance of confidentiality and the complete security of all personal information provided to the Company.
Management of personal information
We take all necessary procedures to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date and to prevent any unauthorized access, loss, damage, alteration, or leakage of personal information. Our information security procedures extend from the continuous maintenance of our security system to thorough employee training and redundant confirmations to secure and strictly manage personal information.
Use of personal information
When a customer entrusts us with personal information, we only use the information to provide services to the customer or to communicate with the customer by sending messages, offering guidance, or answering inquiries or questions by email or postal mail.
Prohibition of disclosing and providing personal information to third parties
We properly manage the personal information entrusted to us by customers and never disclose personal information to third parties except in the cases below.
・The customer consents to the disclosure of the information.
・If the customer consents, ID Corporation may disclose information to a company or another entity
to which ID Corporation outsources works associated with the services being provided to the customer.
・The disclosure of information is mandatory under laws or regulations.
Measures to secure personal information
We take vigilant security measures to keep personal information both accurate and secure.
Reference identification
If a customer requests us to verify, amend, or delete her or his personal information, we will comply with the request
after verifying the customer’s identity.
Legal Compliance and Review
We observe all laws and regulations in Japan that apply to personal data and information of the type entrusted to us. We regularly review our policy on legal compliance and take all necessary measures to improve our legal compliance and our accountability to customers.